Children are the future and where they go to school to get their elementary education is a huge factor in how they feel about furthering their education. There are a lot of great schools in Twin Falls so if your elementary didn't make the top 5, it doesn't mean that it's a bad school.

Twin Falls overall received a rating of 6/10 based on school test results from the site Great Schools.

Great Schools rates schools based on test scores and parent can also write reviews. The information is a great starting point for parents looking to place their children into a good school.




  • 1

    Sawtooth Elementary School

    Sawtooth Elementary received a Great Schools rating of 8/10 and 4 stars from community reviews making it the number 1 elementary school in Twin Falls.

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  • 2

    I. B. Perrine Elementary

    Perrine Elementary also received an 8/10 rating with a community score of 4 stars.

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  • 3

    Xavier Charter School

    Xavier also received a Great Schools score of 8/10 but a lower score from the community of just 3 stars.

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  • 4

    Morningside Elementary

    Morningside Elementary received a score of 6/10 from Great Schools and a community rating of 3 stars.

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  • 5

    Oregon Trail Elementary

    Oregon Trail Elementary rounds out the top 5 with a Great Schools score of just 5/10 but a nice community rating of 4 stars.

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