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Group of Yellowstone Bison Get New Home, Yellowstone National Park

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — A group of 138 Yellowstone National Park bison captured almost a decade ago is headed to a permanent home in northeastern Montana. State and tribal officials say about 100 of the animals were loaded onto trucks Wednesday night. They’ll arrive Thursday at the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, home to the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes.All of the bison were set to make the trip Wednesday, but one of the trucks broke down. The remaining bison will begin their journey Thursday. A bull bison that couldn’t be transported because it was uncooperative was euthanized.

The bison, highly prized for their genetics, were culled from Yellowstone’s wild herds under an experimental government program to see if they could be used to start new populations elsewhere. They’ve been held on CNN founder Ted Turner’s Bozeman-area ranch since 2010.

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