As the latest 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' trailer shows, Colin Firth's Uncle Jack is a firm believer of "manners maketh man," and he's willing to teach anyone this valuable lesson...the hard way!

Twentieth Century Fox released the newest footage of this Matthew Vaughn-directed comic book adaptation of Mark Millar's 'The Secret Service,' and it's way more action-packed than what we've seen prior. We have another foulmouthed Samuel L. Jackson character, a killer lady with blades for legs (suck it, Cherry Darling), and a troop of young agents who are as dapperly dressed as they are armed and dangerous.

Per Fox's description:

'Kingsman: The Secret Service' tells the story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency's ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted tech genius.

Aside from Firth and Jackson, the film also stars Mark Strong, Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker!), Jack Davenport and Taron Egerton, the latter of which is the young actor making his big-screen debut as the mischievous prospective agent Gary "Eggsy" Unwin. 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' will hit theaters on February 13, 2015.

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