
Donald Trump is a liar according to the wretches populating America’s newsrooms.

When Barack Obama blamed an obscure YouTube video for Benghazi media quickly fell into line like Dr. Frankenstein’s assistant.

Last week, he was called out for his claims the crowd at his Inauguration was larger than the two crowds for President Obama.  Media studied overhead shots of the National Mall and obsessed on its own about estimates.  Then, late in the week, one TV network reported the crowd at March-for-Life as tens-of-thousands.  Apparently, you could more accurately describe it every year as hundreds-of-thousands.  And, of course, media is still in denial about crowd sizes for the Tea Party rally of 2009 and Glenn Beck the following summer.  The aerial shots don’t match media’s estimates judging by media’s use of aerial pictures.

This morning, I came across this denunciation of Donald Trump from the Times-News.  Funny.  When Barack Obama blamed an obscure YouTube video for Benghazi, media quickly fell into line like Dr. Frankenstein’s assistant.  When leaked e-mails later revealed the government’s attempt to cobble together the big lie, the media instead denounced the leaks!  Do you see a pattern of duplicity?  Note as well in the aftermath of the film claims there were riots in Muslim countries where many died and nuns were gunned down on the streets of Cairo.  All apparently necessary to get Mr. Obama a second term?

By the way, both Presidents Carter and Obama barred immigration from some Muslim countries.  Judging by the hyperventilating I’ve seen this weekend, media is filled with people who failed history class or the omission is a hope you’ve forgotten.  At my church, omission is a sin comparable to a lie.  And, the folks in newsrooms wonder why they’re trusted about as much as garden slugs!

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