Free Taxi Rides in Twin Falls
Often times New Years involves a few glasses of champagne or other adult beverages. If you decide to celebrate with an alcoholic beverage please designate a driver. According to KMVT, many taxi services in Twin Falls are offering free rides or discounted rides for New Years:
- D&S Checker Cab: 734-2293. All rides within the city limits will be $5.00 from 3 p.m. to 3 a.m.
- Magic Valley Cab: 212-8294. Offering a 25% discount on rides within the Twin Falls city limits. Service begins at 3p.
- Ride Away Taxi: 212-7433. Offering free rides within city limits, including rides to and from bars, from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m.
- Snake River Yellow Cab: 736-8294. Offering free rides within city limits from 6 p.m.until demand ends.
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