High Schooler’s Hot Sauce Prank Makes Him Public Enemy Number One
A high school student is going from hot sauce to hot water.
A 15-year-old at Highland Park High School in Chicago was arrested after three workers in the lunchroom went to the hospital after he put hot sauce in the marinara.
The sauce was so hot the workers got sick simply by inhaling its odor. Students and other school officials also had adverse reactions, including coughing, rashes and shortness of breath.
One student who had the misfortune of taking a bite out of the spaghetti told staff it burned his mouth like a three-alarm fire. When workers began pulling the sauce, they started to feel ill.
Authorities say the boy planted Da Bomb hot sauce. It's not clear what kind he used, but the most intense variety is about as hot as pepper spray.
None of the injuries are considered serious and the school plans to crack down on future jokes by installing surveillance cameras in the food line.