Is Anything Off Limits to Thieves in the Magic Valley?
Theft happens no matter where you live. There will always be people looking to take things that aren't theirs and for different reasons. Sometimes a thief will see a car they want to own but can't afford, or perhaps they want to steal it and sell it for the money. Maybe there are objects in a car that are valuable that they want to take. Getting pickpocketed is an easy way to gain someone's identity, their credit cards, or their cash. These are just some examples of things people still do, and why illegal and unethical, it is at least understandable why someone would covet taking them. Then there are certain things that people take that take things to another level and leave people scratching their heads, heartbroken, and questioning who would do such a thing. One theft in the Magic Valley has many residents wondering what was the thief doing and why?
Pig Stolen in the Magic Valley
Recently on a Facebook chat page, there was a post from a woman that her pet pig had been stolen. Now at the time of this writing, this is allegedly, but it does raise the question is there anything off-limits. Stealing a dog or a cat is already crossing a line, but cats and dogs are known to wander away at times. Certain breeds can be worth a good amount of money and be sold to make some quick cash. Who steals a pig though? If you are severely hungry and looking to make it for dinner, there are better options. If you are looking to sell it, there are animals in the area that sell for more. If you are wanting to take it home as your own, there are places in the area where you can find piglets to raise from a baby. It is disturbing that this has become the society we live in.
Theft in the Magic Valley
Theft has been on the rise ever since the winter temperatures have faded away, and it likely will continue to rise as more and more people make their way outside. While stealing a pig is bad, it isn't as bad as kidnapping someone's child. People, pets, and family possessions should be off-limits. As mentioned above, theft should never occur, but it has happened for centuries and will continue to. The woman that woke up to find out her pig was gone is a sad story, and serves as a reminder that nothing appears off limits to thieves in the Magic Valley. Make sure to lock your cars, lock your doors, and put your pets and children away at night.

If you see or know anything about a pig stolen in the Magic Valley, make sure to contact the authorities. If you see someone that didn't have a pig a week ago, then perhaps contact authorities. Theft is on the rise and it is expected that some little things may get stolen, but nobody should have to wake up to find a pet or family member missing. We need to help each other and we need to stop theft in the Magic Valley so nobody else experiences this heartache.