What would you do? What would you do if you are home and get a knock on your door from a stranger that appears to be a solicitor? The problem is, as these people talk about their company, they don't appear to have any cards, paper, or location to give you about their business. Do you let them in and hear them out? Do you put a gun in their face when you open the door? Do you yell profanity at them until they leave? Do you act like you aren't home and never answer the door, to begin with? In today's society, it is fair to question any stranger at your door, but what would you do?

Door-to-Door Sales People in the Magic Valley

Credit: Digital Team
Credit: Digital Team

In 2023, going door-to-door, especially in the Magic Valley, does not seem like a smart or safe plan. Nobody trusts anyone these days, and often people do not want human and face-to-face interaction. To add to it, with smart devices, the odds of someone opening the door for a stranger are slim, and if they do, they likely will not give you the time of day, will be impatient with you, or be ready to fire the moment something feels off. It is dangerous to attempt door-to-door these days, and it isn't needed. You can send emails, that will likely end up in a spam folder or get deleted, but it works mostly the same. You can post on social media and boost posts, or find ways to send text messages to phones in the area. There are better alternatives, yet door-to-door still exists, but how should those at home respond and what would you do? 

Skeptical Door-to-Door Sales People

Credit: Creatas
Credit: Creatas

Recently there was a saleslady that stopped by my home that discussed her business with my family. We did not let her inside, and would not have answered, except we were outside already. She didn't have any cards, or any papers, and didn't mention a location. She said she was going door-to-door, yet got in a truck and drove off, instead of going to the next house. The truck returned about 20 minutes later, sat outside our neighbor's home, and then drove away again, without anyone getting out. A resident in the area did let me know that she came to their home as well, and they questioned it too. Should one of us call the cops? Should we have yelled at her to get off our property instantly? It is tough to know anyone's intentions these days, but when you come to someone's house without a card, fliers, or proper equipment, it comes across as suspicious and puts the neighborhood on high alert. 

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The next time you see someone come knocking at your door that you don't know, will you answer or ignore them? This is one of the reasons why smart doorbells are great to have. You don't have to peek out a window or answer the door like back in the day. Make sure to be cautious and smart with door-to-door salespeople coming out these days, and also make sure to ask to see their permit, as each person doing so should have one. The next time one knocks on your door though, what would you do?

Honest Twin Falls Welcome Signs

I'm pretty certain that most people don't fully understand what 'Twin Falls' actually means. On that note, if Twin Falls had an honest welcome sign: what would it say?

How Many Of These Twin Falls Places Have You Been To?

How much adventuring have you done around Twin Falls?