Idaho Women Might Be Getting Sloshed More Than Men, Data Implies
Excessive alcohol consumption in the United States has been a health hazard for as long as booze has been produced. In the past decade, data appears to be implying that women might be tipping back more than men in an average week.
I'm not going to lie. I had a run from my twenties through my mid-forties until I really started getting more health-conscious regarding my alcohol intake. I'm not saying I spent more than 20 years as a straight-up drunkard, but I did enjoy my beer in social settings among friends. I'd be lying if I said I never started the workday off a bit hung over.

Nowadays, I drink non-alcoholic beer mostly. I do still cut loose on the weekends by having a few glasses of wine and maybe a cocktail or two, but I'm counting my drinks now because I have a young boy and want to be around for him for as long as I can.
I think it's safe to say that men have always had the label of being heavier drinkers than women. Heck, just watch Mad Men and you'll see. The current health data isn't saying women are running around with giant pitchers of beer in each hand like Adam Sandler's dream sequence in Happy Gilmore, but it is worth noting.
I've seen more and more stories published on the topic of whether or not women are drinking more than men in the current day and age, and these findings are based on data from credible entities such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recent studies on binge drinking have also shown that women are partaking more than men when it comes to the number of drinks consumed in an hour, according to FHE Health data.
Idaho ranks in the top 10 in 2023 as far as heaviest-drinking states, according to worldpopulationreview.com. Alcohol-related disease and mortality weighed heavily into some of the most notable recent studies.