Kermit The Frog Is Officially Over Miss Piggy And Moved On To ‘Denise’
Everyone wave your hands around in excitement - Kermit the Frog has moved on from Miss Piggy and his new crush is a lovely felt piggy named Denise. Now - you have to read the rest of this story in a Muppet character voice (it's better that way).
Last month amid all the human celebrity breakups we learned that Kermit and Miss Piggy had broken up also. We were all distraught! They were the celebrity couple that was supposed to make it. If Kermy and Miss can't stay together then who can?
Well, that is all dust in the wind now as Kermit has moved on to, dare I say, bigger and better piggies. The new swine in his life is the lovely Denise (I like to say it Dee-Nice because I'm sure she's really nice) and things seem to be pretty serious.
Wait - no it isn't serious. These are monster puppets! They aren't real. Yet I am somehow more excited by this story (which is clearly all hype for the new show starting September 22nd on ABC) than any other real celebrity couple out there. ABC and the Muppets promotional team has been working brilliantly at getting hype for this show, and it is working because if the news is reporting on this fake celebrity couples relationship, then they can get us to do anything. Good thing all they want is for us to watch their show in the Fall.