President Trump Makes Drinking Straws Great Again
I haven’t used a paper straw since I was a teenager. They fail. They collapse and the paper tastes awful and, yet. Some Left Coast cities have banned plastic straws. Then President Trump came to the rescue. Never a man to virtue signal or adopt a politically correct pose, the President’s re-election team is selling plastic re-usable straws. The slogan is “make straws great again”. The name “Trump is emblazoned on the red straws!
The straws quickly sold out. Expect more to be available very soon!
While $15 may appear pricey for ten straws, consider the profit for Trump/Pence 2020 is plowed back into campaign expenses.
Some liberals are so terribly incensed they’re calling it “brilliant and sinister”. It’s one of several items for sale on the Trump/Pence website, many of which are humorous or tongue-in-cheek.
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