Casey Anthony was sentenced to four years in jail with time off for good behavior and time served. She could be out of jail next week. Do you agree with the sentence?
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Jill says...Since Casey Anthony was convicted of making false statements to police, should she repay the state of Florida for its investigation to find Caylee when she knew all along the little girl was dead??
"The efforts and costs of the investigation were extensive and not immediately available and accordingly, the State of Florida respectfully requests this Court to set a hearing within 6
Top Story Podcast 7/6/11: Hour 1, Your reaction to the Casey Anthony verdict. Hour 2, State of the City, Sen. John McGee just keeps digging a deeper hole.
Whether or not you agree with the not-guilty verdict, do you think the jury in the Casey Anthony trial did a thorough job in deliberating the case?
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The juror's in the Casey Anthony Trial aren't talking but the foreman in a big trial here in Idaho is explaining how his jury reached a guilty verdict.
Top Story Podcast 6/16/11: First hour - Weiner resigns, We Build America, Cops. Second hour - American Thinker's Larrey Anderson
Rep. Anthony Weiner says he will resign from his congressional seat. Big change since he first said he was hacked and HE was the victim