bill nye

Bill Nye Atheist Guy Attacks Faith (Opinion)
Bill Nye Atheist Guy Attacks Faith (Opinion)
Bill Nye Atheist Guy Attacks Faith (Opinion)
Bill Nye Atheist Guy is attacking Christian faith.  He toured a replica of Noah’s Ark and couldn’t wait to disparage what he saw during a mainstream media appearance.  You wonder if Nye would be so willing to attack Islamic beliefs.  This morning I shared some thoughts on Top Story about faith and certainty and that it’s not called the Fact of Evolution even in the science community...
Earth Day & the EPA Poisons the Navajo (Opinion)
Earth Day & the EPA Poisons the Navajo (Opinion)
Earth Day & the EPA Poisons the Navajo (Opinion)
I’ve a vague sense Earth Day is in April like Thanksgiving is in November.  I only celebrate the latter and I gorge myself on birds and livestock and then spend the next three days fouling the environment with methane.  From what I gather the callers on my program are a lot more like me than the granola gobbling, hemp clothing wearing, Range Rover driving lefties in Sun Valley...