Having a birthday as a kid is the best, and when it falls on a school day you want to celebrate, but one teacher might have ruined that for every kid in Idaho.
Not a lot of people live to be 100, but Harry LeMoyne is defying those odds, when he turns 100 on August 21. LeMoyne was born in Hailey in 1918, and served in the Army Air Corps during World War II flying between England and mainland Europe.
For 18 years Betty Dudley has made sure the coffee cups and utensils are set at the Garden of Eden Truck Stop just off Interstate 84 near Hansen. Today she made sure the tables where ready while celebrating her 90th birthday.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX)- The Perrine Bridge that spans the Snake River Canyon and joins Twin Falls and Jerome County celebrates its 40 birthday on July 31. The bridge is often the launching point for BASE jumpers who come from all around the world to leap from it...
If your birthday isn't in December you probably have a friend or family member with a December birthday. Here are 15 things only they will understand about having a birthday in December:
New trend alert! Apparently, people are having Birthday parties for their animals. Especially on milestone Birthdays like the 1st Birthday, the 13th Birthday and the 16th Birthday.
Do you remember when you were a kid and one of the best days ever was your birthday? The day was all about you and getting presents, a party, and being a little older and cooler. Now - birthdays for you are probably a little less spectacular. The parties are less about staying up late eating junk food and more about getting to bed without a headache and forgetting that you are another year older!
Growing up is hard. You are always getting older and it just makes it worse when your birthday gets ruined. It has happened to almost all of us - somebody forgot your birthday, they didn't show up to your party, you didn't get the presents you wanted, somebody used those stupid candles that you can't blow out...there are so many ways to ruin a birthday. What's your 'worst birthday ever' story?
I have 3 Chuck Norris shirts...and I didn't wear one today dang it! Chuck Norris' birthday is today and the number 74 is celebrating just being associated with him! Enjoy the top 15 Chuck Norris facts below.
Twin Falls resident Dorothy Custer has had an amazing 100th year of life: she was named Twin Falls "Pioneer of the Year" and was interviewed on by Jay Leno--Twice.
But Dorothy still has a lot to do. Next up: she is going to to ride the new zipline across the Snake River Canyon for her 101st birthday.
Now is your chance to let Kelly know how you feel. Today (Tuesday) is his birthday. You can vote on this. Is he getting BETTER, CRANKIER or WHO IN THE WORLD IS THIS GUY? VOTE HERE