Before that happens, there is still time to get some things down, but don't hesitate, because you want these done before the brisk bitter cold settles in for good.
Before Halloween arrived, some in Twin Falls began decorating for Christmas, but when should you begin hanging Christmas lights for the holiday season?
There are not any events, as most places are closed, but there are a few things you can do to get out of the house or stay in to celebrate Christmas this weekend.
While the rest of the world is arguing about 'real tree or an artificial tree' I'm over here more concerned with the best way to hang my Christmas lights.
I wanted to see if the lasers were powerful enough to light up Balanced Rock, and what I saw after switching on the projectors still gives me chills when I think of it, even though the photographs don't do the experience justice.
In all my years living in Twin Falls, I've seen a great deal of holiday spirit. In my opinion, the best way to identify holiday spirit relates to decorations.
There will be a Winter Party at the Twin Falls Public Library on Thursday, December 23 from 4 PM to 6 PM. The event is free and will also be a lights tour.
In recent years, there has been an increase in inflatables in front of people's houses, and to me, it comes across as very lazy and lacks holiday spirit.