Donald Trump’s taxes or lack thereof are sucking up media oxygen. Meanwhile, Bill Clinton may have done his best John Edwards impersonation and fostered an out-of-wedlock child. Which story will media keep chasing?
If you recall the Edward’s saga, the fellow travelers in media did their best to avoid covering the news of the sneaky Senator...
Refugees and Islamic terrorists are once again at the top of the news this week. Many of the fears across the country are magnifications of life in Twin Falls, Idaho.
A sure fire way to deal with terrorism is to kill terrorists. All this claptrap about it breeding more is a spurious argument. It’s like saying Germany inspired the French Resistance through brutality. What Resistance? The numbers of Frenchmen and women violently opposed to the occupation were small...
We need to get serious about domestic terrorism. Donald Trump may be just the man for the job. Today on Top Story, much of the program focused on the latest terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota. I noticed I had no telephone calls or emails from whining liberals...
Hillary Clinton must be having nightmares about her school days. Remember the brown-nose who sat up front and knew all the answers? Not always a bad kid, but often drove everyone else nuts. She was the girl who was also the tattle-tale because it scored even more points with the teacher...
Not every registered Democrat praises Karl Marx. In a post last weekend, I mentioned it’s often far too convenient for mainstream media and liberals to label every fellow American to the right-of-center a fascist. In heavily Republican Idaho, there are many differing factions...
A Muslim walks into a gay bar and mows down 100 people. Media covers it wall-to-wall until the narrative begins breaking down. If you recall in the first days after the Orlando shooting, it was said Omar Mateen was divorced, a closet homosexual and the poster boy for gun control...
Radical Islam again dominated discussion today on Top Story. We weaved the comments of President Obama and Donald Trump in with those made by two members of our Idaho Congressional Delegation. I also warned efforts by the left to create secret courts for eliminating the Second Amendment resemble the habits of totalitarian regimes of the past several centuries...
Donald Trump’s debt solution reminds me of Jay Leno’s Dorito’s commercial. To paraphrase: Don’t worry, we’ll print more. For those of us in the ABC camp (Anybody But Clinton), we’ll be supporting Trump because there isn’t a viable alternative in 2016...