Amidst the aftermath of the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal, Evel Knievel's daring jump over Snake River Canyon in 1974 captured the nation's attention.
The footage, as one would imagine, is very grainy and appears to have been shot by a crew member or someone that had access not given to the average person. It shows the preparations being put into the jump just moments before Knievel took flight.
Twin Falls is known for lots of things, one of them being the place that Evel Knieval failed to jump the Snake River Canyon in his rocket. Eddie Braun, another stunt man, decided to try the jump again decades later. Disney+ has created a documentary about the event featuring, of course, Twin Falls as well.
Statues, dedicated benches, historical plaques and the opportunity to sit for a spell and watch the BASE jumpers soar downward through the air to the landing zone on the river bank, just add to this walk, that is both non-strenuous and quite enjoyable.
People always say you need to see the Shoshone Falls and the Perrine Bridge. While that is true, there are other great places to visit that nobody mentions.
More than a mile long section of new Canyon Rim Trail system is set to open to the public Friday in Twin Falls. According to City Spokesperson Josh Palmer, the walking and biking public will be able to go past the Evel Knievel jump site to the west to access the new 1.6 mile connector trail.
I have a bone to pick with the rest of the world. Do a search for "best canyons in America" and see what you find. I'll save you some time. What you won't find is a mention of Snake River Canyon anywhere.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Jim Beat remembers Sept. 8, 1974, when people from all over the country flocked to Twin Falls to see a cape-wearing daredevil attempt to jump the Snake River Canyon.