
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
JACKPOT, Nev. (AP/KTVB) -- Investigators are testing blood evidence found in a van that belonged to a 26-year-old Mexican man whose body was found in February off a dirt road near the Nevada-Idaho border town of Jackpot.
Lawmaker’s Son Shoots Wife in the Buttocks
Lawmaker’s Son Shoots Wife in the Buttocks
Lawmaker’s Son Shoots Wife in the Buttocks
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — Authorities in eastern Idaho say the son of a Democratic state lawmaker shot his wife accidentally with a rifle following a day of hunting. he Idaho Falls Post-Register ( ) reports that 31-year-old Ian Malepeai and his wife, Hailey Hodges, of Irwin, had been hunting Monday...
Man Arrested After Robbing Drive-In
Man Arrested After Robbing Drive-In
Man Arrested After Robbing Drive-In
(KLIX)- Police arrested a man after allegedly robbing a Twin Falls Sonic drive in. According to Twin Falls police 29 year old Christopher Cole was arrested on suspicion of armed robbery. Police say at around 10:14pm a call came in that the Sonic on Blue Lakes had been robbed at gunpoint...
Deadly Mixture Caused Burley Explosion
Deadly Mixture Caused Burley Explosion
Deadly Mixture Caused Burley Explosion
BURLEY, Idaho (AP) — Fire officials suspect a dangerous mixture of cleaning solvent, dirty rags and high explosives likely led to an explosion that sent the wife of a southern Idaho legislator to the hospital with second-degree burns. Amy Wood is listed in good condition Tuesday at the University of Utah's Burn and Trauma Center...

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