Idaho is joining a long list of states to require health insurers provide coverage for the treatment of autism, Department of Insurance Director Dean Cameron announced Monday.
Blue Cross of Idaho submitted to Idaho insurance regulators a set of health insurance plans that it hopes to sell under Gov. Butch Otter's executive order.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Federal officials say approximately 15,000 Idahoans may be eligible for tax credits if they purchase insurance through the state's health care exchange rather than skip the marketplace again while picking 2017 coverage.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Though there will be more options for health insurance available on Your Idaho Health's marketplace this year, premiums will be higher than in 2016.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers are eligible for the same health care benefits as full-time state employees even though they are considered part-time workers.
BOISE, Idaho (News Release) – Your Health Idaho says that 102,353 Idahoans have enrolled in Qualified Health Plans for 2016 through the state’s health exchange.
BOISE (KLIX) – Keeping the federal government out of Idaho’s health insurance decisions is a good thing, Pat Kelly, executive director of Your Idaho Health, told lawmakers on Tuesday.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A new poll finds most uninsured Americans sitting on the sidelines as sign-up season under President Barack Obama's health care law comes to a close.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Four days and counting. That’s how long you have to get health insurance coverage through Your Health Idaho. The deadline is Jan. 31 if you want to receive health insurance for 2016.