Criminal Gangs May Run Deep in IdahoCriminal Gangs May Run Deep in IdahoCan we get some answers?Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Governor Strikes a Blow Against Illegal AliensIdaho Governor Strikes a Blow Against Illegal Aliens If they can’t win now, liberals want new rules.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho National Guard Could Combat Illegal AliensIdaho National Guard Could Combat Illegal AliensYou get on board or you go extinct.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Colorado Dumping Illegal Aliens in Utah and IdahoColorado Dumping Illegal Aliens in Utah and IdahoNot in my backyard is a liberal slogan.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Media Ignores Possible Dumping of Illegal Aliens in BoiseIdaho Media Ignores Possible Dumping of Illegal Aliens in BoiseThere are no reporters from the Fox News Channel in Boise.Bill ColleyBill Colley
No Evidence Illegal Aliens are Being Dumped in IdahoNo Evidence Illegal Aliens are Being Dumped in Idaho"We know,” isn’t much of a claim unless you have actual evidence to back up the claim. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Harbors Terrorists in Plain SightIdaho Harbors Terrorists in Plain SightCommitted by foreign agents!Bill ColleyBill Colley
No Evidence Buses are Dumping Illegal Migrants in IdahoNo Evidence Buses are Dumping Illegal Migrants in IdahoComparing these accounts to Bigfoot sightings, the need for solid evidence becomes apparent.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Time to Dismiss Idaho’s Self-Serving Political ClassTime to Dismiss Idaho’s Self-Serving Political ClassFollow the money. Bill ColleyBill Colley
The Idaho Republicans Supporting Amnesty for Illegal AliensThe Idaho Republicans Supporting Amnesty for Illegal AliensDoes Guthrie represent his constituents or the narrow interests of lobbyists? Bill ColleyBill Colley
Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens Coming to IdahoDriver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens Coming to IdahoState Senator Jim Guthrie is a Republican. He’s the main sponsor.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Will Illegal Aliens Get Driver’s Licenses in Idaho?Will Illegal Aliens Get Driver’s Licenses in Idaho?Many don’t have insurance or driver's licenses.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Twin Falls Idaho Faces the Crunch of a Worker ShortageTwin Falls Idaho Faces the Crunch of a Worker ShortageHow did we get here?Bill ColleyBill Colley
An Idaho Legislator Wants Driver’s Licenses for Illegal AliensAn Idaho Legislator Wants Driver’s Licenses for Illegal AliensGuthrie tips his case when he says “undocumented” instead of “illegal”.Bill ColleyBill Colley
This Idaho Festival Is Cancelled To Protect Illegal AliensThis Idaho Festival Is Cancelled To Protect Illegal AliensI’m sick of liberals defining for me compassion.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Democrats, Fruits and Nuts Are Bad Tidings for 2020Democrats, Fruits and Nuts Are Bad Tidings for 2020Not just on illegal immigration but also when it comes to alternative lifestyles.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Trump is Right: Illegal Aliens Can Tip an ElectionTrump is Right: Illegal Aliens Can Tip an ElectionIf one third of 30 million illegal residents voted then we’d have an additional ten million votes.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho’s Two Liberals Demand Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Opinion)Idaho’s Two Liberals Demand Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Opinion)Participants will be allowed to charge their electric cars while screaming, “Hey, hey, ho, ho (fill in the blank) has got to go!”Bill ColleyBill Colley
Liberals Hate Idaho’s Stand on Obamacare While Defying Immigration LawLiberals Hate Idaho’s Stand on Obamacare While Defying Immigration LawRepeat after me, liberal laws good because liberalism is a self-evident truth. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Let the Democrats Shut Down Government Over DACA (Opinion)Let the Democrats Shut Down Government Over DACA (Opinion)The elites aren’t happy with the 2016 results but I can’t think of any other Republicans who could’ve downed Clinton.Bill ColleyBill Colley