One of the most prevalent theories about the assassination of President Kennedy is he double crossed the mafia. In Chicago and West Virginia, there were mobsters who helped deliver a very close 1960 election to Kennedy. Then, in the White House he named his brother Attorney General and warred against the mob. Less than three years later, Kennedy was dead.
There have been a lot of fake rumors being passed around on Facebook lately of famous people allegedly moving to different states. So, I decided to do some checking and see if any of these celebrities had relocated to Idaho. The answer to that was a big fat "NO". But, I did find many people in our state who at least had the same name as famous people.
What’s good for Wall Street isn’t always what’s good for the country. I’m reminded today of the quote from Charles Wilson, CEO of General Motors, when in the early 1950s he was being vetted for the role of Secretary-of-Defense. "I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa," he said...
One trillion dollars is one thousand billion dollars. One billion dollars is one thousand million dollars. The United States is variously reported to be 18 trillion dollars in debt, although. No one really has a grasp of the actual number...
Remember the gravelly voiced woman in Cleveland who bragged about having an “Obama phone” during the 2012 Presidential Election Cycle? “Everybody in Cleveland got an Obama phone!” is what she told a reporter. She was a member of a labor union and at a campaign rally expressing her gratitude for the President playing Santa Claus...