If you are looking for some places to go on a day trip, maybe go swimming or fishing, these lakes are perfect. They are close enough for a day trip and can be a lot of fun. These lakes are anywhere from 30 minutes to about 3 hours away.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Federal authorities are taking comments and have set public meeting dates on Idaho's plan to take over regulating pollution discharge into the state's lakes and rivers.
A large leak in the bottom of Blue Lakes in the Snake River Canyon is scheduled to be plugged starting in March. The leak, that’s letting about 600 gallons of water per minute escape the lake, was discovered last year after city workers noticed the lake level dropping.
Freezing rain yesterday morning caught several Magic Valley motorists off guard and caused several accidents. Clear Lakes Grade north of Buhl was closed for a time while police investigated an accident in which a milk truck rolled due to slick roads.