Nampa Man Recovered from Lucky Peak ReservoirNampa Man Recovered from Lucky Peak ReservoirThe body of a 46-year-old Nampa man was recovered Monday from Lucky Peak ReservoirBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
Driver Walks Away from Pickup After Crashing at Lucky Peak ReservoirDriver Walks Away from Pickup After Crashing at Lucky Peak ReservoirIdaho State Police say the driver of a stolen vehicle left the scene after it went down an 800 foot embankment at Lucky Peak Reservoir Thursday afternoon.Benito BaezaBenito Baeza
Idaho Inmates to Help Plant Sagebrush at Burn AreaIdaho Inmates to Help Plant Sagebrush at Burn AreaFemale inmates at a Boise correctional facility will help plant sagebrush seedlings they've been growing to help restore burned areas in IdahoBenito BaezaBenito Baeza
New Guard Rail to Protect Wildlife Near Lucky PeakNew Guard Rail to Protect Wildlife Near Lucky PeakA two-week project that will help protect wildlife from highway traffic will begin April 16 near Lucky Peak Reservoir.Andrew WeeksAndrew Weeks