
It’s Officially Illegal To Text And Drive In Boise
It’s Officially Illegal To Text And Drive In Boise
It’s Officially Illegal To Text And Drive In Boise
Probably about time... Just yesterday I was on the freeway coming out of downtown and this car starts leaning into my lane. I beeped at her and she corrected, and then immediately started drifting again cause it was super important to get back to whatever she was doing on her phone.
We’re All Rubbing Bacteria On Our Faces Daily
We’re All Rubbing Bacteria On Our Faces Daily
We’re All Rubbing Bacteria On Our Faces Daily
And maybe it's better with the dryer climate in Boise? Scientists have figured out the limit of how many times you should use a towel before washing it and I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty gross.