The City of Filer is reminding its residents of when it is important to get a permit and when it is not needed to get a permit when hosting a yard sale
An ordinance that was passed in July of 2020 that made it punishable by fine to operate a motor vehicle in the state of Idaho while handling a cell phone, appears to have not been processed fully by a large number of motorists in Twin Falls.
The Twin Falls City Council will vote on Monday to enforce a mask ordinance to prevent the spread of COVID 19. The draft of the ordinance can be read at
On Monday the Twin Falls City Council will be meeting to discuss an potential mask ordinance or COVID 19 prevention plan. We have some questions and answers for you that we got from the City Council if you plan on following the meeting.
Moscow police arrested three individuals Wednesday, including a Latah County Republican Candidate, for being part of a planned sing-along organized by Christ Church
What's to stop someone from recording my wife sunbathing topless in our own backyard, or what's to prevent a pedophile from recording my 4-year-old son playing on our property.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – The City Council on Monday approved a measure that they hope will better protect pets from being left in unattended vehicles.
(KLIX)-Twin Falls County is aiming to update some of its ordinances h dealing with signs. The hope is to modernize the current rules that affect billboards, commercial, residential as well as signs for home businesses. County Planning and Zoning Administrator Rick Dunn says the current process to get a sign up takes some time and requires a conditional use permit...
(KLIX)- Twin Falls City Police are taking aim at illegal fireworks being used in the city. The police department is aiming to update an aged fireworks ordinance. Police have expressed frustration at the increased use of illegal fireworks during the fourth of July...
Fearing a possible influx of warehouse poultry farms to the area, Jerome County officials are taking steps to regulate such large-scale operations. A few years ago California changed the rules for large poultry farms to the point that many thought would run some of the large operations out of the state to others with lesser binding regulations, such as southern Idaho.
Twin Falls County Commissioners are working on a proposed livestock control ordinance that may help with some of the safety issues involved when livestock get out of their fences and wind up on public roads. Fines are proposed in the ordinance for livestock owners who persistently do little to keep their livestock from getting out. A first time violation would could cost violators $50 per day pe