
Bill Clinton Says Hillary Complains a Lot (Opinion)
Bill Clinton Says Hillary Complains a Lot (Opinion)
Bill Clinton Says Hillary Complains a Lot (Opinion)
You can make a sound bite or quote fit a story any way it’s told.  I learned this from an old liberal managing editor who wanted the world to see itself in his image.  This morning we took some phrasing from Bill Clinton and found our own interpretation...
GOP View of Democrats Sweating at Convention (Opinion)
GOP View of Democrats Sweating at Convention (Opinion)
GOP View of Democrats Sweating at Convention (Opinion)
As a Republican it’s difficult to take a Democrat Party Convention seriously.  Between the booing of God contradicting charges Bernie is an atheist what are we to make of the sweltering spectacle?  I should also note Cal Thomas has determined Mrs...
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
Donald Trump’s acceptance speech dominated our show today.  Reaction from our Top Story audience was quite strong.  I’ve taken each half-hour block and created 4 sequential videos for those who missed the program.  Do you want to know what your neighbors are thinking...