There’s too much hyperventilating going on at National Review. Donald Trump may bring about the end of the Republican Party but for years I’ve been told Republican and conservative are two distinct words. Lincoln wasn’t a conservative in the same vein as Goldwater...
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul stopped in Boise as part of his Western tour to rally support and attract voters in a red-dominated state that is likely to have its pick of candidates during the GOP primary election...
The fellas over at the mainstream media continue to peddle a myth that all Americans are victims. Up early this morning I clicked on the Drudge Report and found a link from the Marxist New York Times, the bible of academic and American elitist liberalism...
BOISE, Idaho (KTVB) - Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul will stop in the Treasure Valley later this month as part of his western tour, his campaign announced.
Ronald Reagan didn’t like the role of a villain. Late in his acting career he got the part of a nasty crime boss. In the picture his character slaps a woman played by Angie Dickinson. Dickinson brushed it off as part of the job but says for many years whenever she saw Reagan he would apologize...
There may be a conspiracy in the U.S. Senate. Republicans Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are both taking on their fellow Republican and Majority Leader. Cruz Friday called Mitch McConnell a “liar”. Scalawag can’t be far away. Later in the day Paul announced he would use Senate rules to bypass McConnell in an effort to defund Planned Parenthood...
Can we buy plane tickets for disgruntled Muslims and send them packing? At what point do we acknowledge what they already recognize? Our cultures aren’t compatible. The argument a majority of American Muslims are peaceful is irrelevant when a handful of failures blame our culture for their lack of success and then gun down innocents with glee...
Is Rick Perry a secret globalist? During the last presidential primary season I was hosting a radio show when a young libertarian telephoned and denounced Perry as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. At the time I was defending the then Governor of Texas for his forgetfulness during a debate...
A basic political re-alignment appears underway in the United States. A few days ago a pundit from the left criticized the large slate of Republican candidates for taking a more populist stance. This latest criticism is a remarkable change after years of charges Republicans were mainly tools of the rich...
Is news media corrupt? Before you offer an answer let’s define news media and define corrupt. The latter, when working on a computer, can refer to a failed file and therefore doesn’t always imply malice. News media can refer to just about any information source from Internet to newspapers...
Republicans are the party of mean, old and rich white men who want to keep you under their feet, right? It’s the media narrative as media is instructed by its masters in the Democrat Party. This week Glenn Beck’s the Blaze released an audience preference poll...
Are Christians being singled out by the gay mafia? It's a question raised by my friend and former co-worker, Doug Beatty, who is soliciting opinions for his own show. My reply follows:
Barry Goldwater caught hell in 1964 for citing Thomas Jefferson in opposing the Civil Rights Act...
Just to let you know Ted Cruz isn’t at the top of my Republican list. In my 53 years on this planet I’ve contributed to only two Presidential candidates. Meager contributions to Rand Paul as he prepares for 2016 and in 2000 to John McCain as I already had Bush fatigue...