A Rexburg woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison for two counts of vehicle manslaughter and aggravated DUI on Monday at the Jerome County Judicial Annex.
One Idaho community is making it tougher for those under 21 to access tobacco after officials voted on an ordinance that raises the legal age for buying tobacco products.
To all the hard working men and women across this great country who risk your lives everyday to protect us, the public, we salute you, and thank you for your service.
They are not pigeons or dolphins or dogs, but they’re begging for food just the same. They’re bears – and among other goodies, they seem to have a taste for bread.
The Rexburg woman was arrested in February 2016 after she struck a child she was babysitting with a large plastic action figure. The strike caused a vein in the child's brain to break causing possible long-term disabilities.
When you're an Idaho guy, you gotta do what you gotta do to find love. That's what one Idaho male did when he decided to propose to his girlfriend near Rexburg.
This is insane. A guy dressed as a woman (no, not kidding) allegedly stole an ATV from a store in Rexburg. As he fled police, he collided violently with a vehicle at an intersection. Now, 2 different dashcam videos have been released that show the accident as it happened.
REXBURG, Idaho (AP) — Officers responding to a robbery report in an Idaho alley expected to find armed gunmen. Instead, they found themselves facing off with college students with video cameras.