Following events of the last couple of days at the White House and the Senate, you could get the impression government is unraveling at breakneck speed. This is a message I posted to friends before bed Thursday. Feel free to chime in.
Mike Crapo is rescinding an endorsement of Donald Trump because the candidate for President tells dirty jokes. Do you know how many people have been killed by hearing one of these jokes? None. Any idea of how many Americans are killed by drunk drivers...
I’m not nearly the Biblical scholar many of my radio callers are but in recent days some of the Preterists have raised my curiosity. They believe Jesus returned in 70 A.D. as Jerusalem was crushed by the Romans. The Preterists therefore discount any current apocalyptic talk...
Call me a pessimist. Maybe it’s my career choices. Possibly the dysfunctional family of my childhood. Potentially it’s just a reading of history which more often seems filled with monsters than heroes. I’ve lived for years with a belief a new dark age is approaching...