There is an event currently taking place that will be going on over the next week to help these teachers, and it will take the Magic Valley's help to succeed.
Typically, a great college town will have awesome attractions and a seemingly never-ending list of things to do there, so we're curious as to why this...
What would you do? What would you do if a mysterious car pulled up to your child, rolled down the window and an adult you don't know began talking to them?
Just like there has been all summer, this weekend will be packed full of events to enjoy the closing days, as well as to help you get prepared before school begins.
With all the wild incidents and things taking place, it is fair to say that Twin Falls is headed to hell right now, and here are some of the reasons why.
Is the educational system as bad as some think, or is it better than perceived? What states have the best school systems and which states need improvement?
While the school board spends every summer looking over their policies, the results in Uvalde have put more of an emphasis on lockdown protocol than normal.
With school shootings happening in the country for centuries, have we learned from them and how can we stop them and be prepared for the potential of another?
A Border Patrol Agent is being credited for running into Robb Elementary School this week while an 18-year-old, who was armed with AR-15, was shooting kids and teachers.
It's strange to think of an existence that doesn't include on-campus learning, but it appears to be the direction the world is headed. Would you support Idaho teachers who refuse to instruct in a classroom setting?