The Trump administration's decision to shutter the Russian consulate in Seattle displeased many Russian immigrants Monday, some of whom rushed to its offices in hopes of securing passports, visas and other important documents
If burgers are your thing, you picked the right part of America to live in. According to a brand new list, 2 of the best burgers in the country are a day trip from Idaho.
In the Magic Valley, we have a lot of residents that moved here from Washington state. That's why we're passing along word that if you received care from Seattle's Northwest Hospital in the past few years, you might want to consult with your doctor.
A fellow writing a travel story about neighboring Ogden, Utah claims when you visit it’s like seeing the 1950s. I came across the story some months ago and believe much of the old Mormon Empire retains the charm. I’m including Southern Idaho and I saw much of the same over the weekend while staffing a radio booth at the Home and Garden Show...