A segment of the public has a lynch mob mentality when a white man is killed by law enforcers. Lack of evidence be darned. We spent a big chunk of today’s Top Story today talking about the Jack Yantis shooting. The Attorney General went to great lengths to issue copious details of the investigation...
I used to covet my neighbor’s vacations. Not where they went but how they planned. When I was a boy the neighbors would have a route, estimated time of arrival and packing done well in advance. They would explain they would be back in one week or in two weeks and on the dot they would round the corner and come driving down the street exactly when they said they would be back. I...
Jeff Foxworthy should be a fortune teller. While doing some research today on what is incorrectly labeled the Confederate Flag (there were three national flags of the Confederacy and numerous battle flags, one of which is often designated as the one and only) I found an old video from Foxworthy’s TV days...
For one week after a deadly mass shooting Lefty was riding high in the saddle. He saw an opportunity to rid America of something he found despicable from a people he found detestable. Latte loving Lefty doesn’t much like flyover country...
When the Persians demanded the vastly outnumbered Spartans at Thermopylae surrender their weapons the response was two words: “Molon labe!” The Spartan Greeks response was simple. “Come and take them!” in a language we understand...
Mark Fuhrman believes the prosecutor in Baltimore City is bowing to public pressure. He also claims she’s burnishing her image among some voters. Fuhrman was one of the detectives investigating O.J. Simpson during an infamous case twenty years ago...