Idaho is a Deadly Place When it Comes to Truck CrashesIdaho is a Deadly Place When it Comes to Truck CrashesIt probably accounts for our high death toll.Bill ColleyBill Colley
I Repeat: Empty Store Shelves are Coming to IdahoI Repeat: Empty Store Shelves are Coming to IdahoThis is a crisis manufactured by the tree huggers. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Diesel Shortage Means Idaho Grocery Store Shelves Could be Bare in a Matter of WeeksDiesel Shortage Means Idaho Grocery Store Shelves Could be Bare in a Matter of WeeksHeads need to roll. The people behind this can’t be allowed to skate.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Speaking of Mandates, Could Idahoans be Forced to Take a Bus?Speaking of Mandates, Could Idahoans be Forced to Take a Bus?Public policy needs a dose of reality. Bill ColleyBill Colley
Idaho Allows Food Trucks at Rest Areas to Help TruckersIdaho Allows Food Trucks at Rest Areas to Help TruckersFood truck vendors will be able to set up at some Idaho rest stops to provide hot meals for truck drivers hauling goods during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Benito BaezaBenito Baeza
Are Changes Ahead for Local Truck TrafficAre Changes Ahead for Local Truck TrafficYou may already be aware the City of Twin Falls is hopeful it can eventually divert some of the traffic from downtown.Bill ColleyBill Colley