The Twin Falls School District sent out an alert to parents that they will be in contact today with authorities due to the newest TikTok Challenge asking students to make threats to their schools. The Twin Falls School District said they are on alert and have been working with police to get through the day.

The threat is for today only, Friday, December 17th. The TikTok Challenge is encouraging the threats of violence against schools all over the country. The Twin Falls School District HAS NOT received any threats and is working on being proactive to ensure the safety of the students and staff.

Twin Falls School District/Nate Bird
Twin Falls School District/Nate Bird

The Twin Falls School District will continue as-is for the school day and they will do everything they can to keep everyone safe. They encourage parents to talk to their children about appropriate social media use. Just because something was said or done on a social media app does not mean it is something that should be done by another.

This is not the first time that the Twin Falls School District has reported being affected by social media challenges. A few months ago students were vandalizing bathrooms and school property in the name of TikTok challenges.

The Twin Falls School District stated that they take any safety concerns very seriously and will respond accordingly to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Again, according to the challenge, the threat is only for today.

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