
Religion-of-Peace Beheads Man-of-God (Opinion)
Religion-of-Peace Beheads Man-of-God (Opinion)
Religion-of-Peace Beheads Man-of-God (Opinion)
The religion-of-peace opened its day by beheading an 86-year-old priest.  The old man was celebrating Daily Mass at a Roman Catholic Church in Normandy (for you liberals it’s in France and was the home of William the Conqueror and a great battle in 1944)...
Sex-Crazed Muslim Migrants?  (Opinion)
Sex-Crazed Muslim Migrants? (Opinion)
Sex-Crazed Muslim Migrants? (Opinion)
Qualification:  People commit sex-crimes across all ethnic and socio-economic lines.  O.K., now we’ve satisfied the P.C. Police.  The thing is, if you add to any population then you likely raise the number of crimes in proportion.  And how about if the population being added has entirely different cultural attitudes about women...
Refugees & Illegal Aliens Disturb Cultural Balance (Opinion)
Refugees & Illegal Aliens Disturb Cultural Balance (Opinion)
Refugees & Illegal Aliens Disturb Cultural Balance (Opinion)
A small city in Vermont is split over a Mayoral decision by fiat.  Rutland is a small city in Southern Vermont accepting 100 Syrian refugees.  Despite objections by some people living there the local political class is suddenly deaf.  And accusing the opposition of bigotry...
Trump is Mainly Right on Muslim Immigration
Trump is Mainly Right on Muslim Immigration
Trump is Mainly Right on Muslim Immigration
“That’s not the kind of people we are!” is a persistent whine from the American left.  When they say “we” they presume their views represent everyone or should because the left is, well, you know, superior in compassion and morality (unless you’re a baby in a womb)...
Commentary:  Eve of Destruction & Waves of Refugees
Commentary: Eve of Destruction & Waves of Refugees
Commentary: Eve of Destruction & Waves of Refugees
A little more than 3-thousand years ago the Celtic tribes occupying the lands now known as Scotland and Ireland were peaceful farmers.  Then a volcano in Iceland blew its cork.  Crops failed across the Celtic range and the tribes were left with few alternatives but forage and cattle theft and warlordism...