
Negro Was the Polite Term (Opinion)
Negro Was the Polite Term (Opinion)
Negro Was the Polite Term (Opinion)
Now conservatives are joining the politically correct and attacking their own.  Check out the latest link here from the writer known as Publius Decius Mus.  He’s challenging many ranking think-tank conservatives who are now calling everyone they don’t like a racist bigot...
State Senate Candidate Dale Ewersen
State Senate Candidate Dale Ewersen
State Senate Candidate Dale Ewersen
Dale Ewersen has his work cut out for him.  A longtime Republican operative and successful businessman from Blaine County, he’s running for State Senate.  His district could be described as a small purple sea in a very red state. His opponent is popular Democrat and incumbent Michelle Stennett...
Gary Johnson Resonates With Many in Idaho
Gary Johnson Resonates With Many in Idaho
Gary Johnson Resonates With Many in Idaho
In keeping with recent electoral history, Idaho still has deep libertarian roots including not only the lower case, but as well upper case.  Libertarian Party candidate for President Gary Johnson has more support in Idaho according to one poll than in all other states but five.  South Dakota and Alaska are in a third place tie with Idaho.  In both states, nearly one in 5 voters favor Johnson.  Rea
Idaho’s Conservative Schism (Opinion)
Idaho’s Conservative Schism (Opinion)
Idaho’s Conservative Schism (Opinion)
What mainstream media would call Idaho’s alt-right appears to be eating its own.  Media isn’t filled with many great intellectuals and simply lumps various groups it doesn’t like on the right side of the political equation under one category...
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
It’s Now Donald Trump’s America (Opinion)
Donald Trump’s acceptance speech dominated our show today.  Reaction from our Top Story audience was quite strong.  I’ve taken each half-hour block and created 4 sequential videos for those who missed the program.  Do you want to know what your neighbors are thinking...
Vice President Mike Crapo!
Vice President Mike Crapo!
Vice President Mike Crapo!
Mike Crapo as Vice President of the United States?  It may sound unlikely, but according to columnist Ann Coulter the name of the Idaho Senator has surfaced as Donald Trump searches for a V.P. nominee.  Crapo isn’t a big Trump fan.  The Senator also comes from a state with only a handful of Electoral College votes...
An Endorsement for a VP Newt Gingrich
An Endorsement for a VP Newt Gingrich
An Endorsement for a VP Newt Gingrich
Republicans didn’t get an early Christmas with a Clinton indictment.  But, there is some excitement building in the party over Donald Trump’s selection of a Vice Presidential nominee.  Writer and former Capitol Hill staffer Phil Kent spent some time with us on Top Story speculating on Newt Gingrich...
A Redundant Election?  (Opinion)
A Redundant Election? (Opinion)
A Redundant Election? (Opinion)
For many Idaho Republicans, the real Election Day was last week.  As many in the GOP face token or no opposition in November, it’s now just a long wait to take office in January.  We spoke this morning with the dean of Idaho journalism, Randy Stapilus, about the primary and what to expect next...
The Anarchist’s Lament (Opinion)
The Anarchist’s Lament (Opinion)
The Anarchist’s Lament (Opinion)
A few closing thoughts on Primary Day and a message for the political amateurs.  My role wasn’t to close the deal for any of the losers.  It’s no secret I’m a Republican and rarely do I endorse a candidate in a GOP primary.  My experience is any endorsement I offer on air and two dollars will get you a cup of coffee...
GOP Frantically Shouts Trumplestiltskin!
GOP Frantically Shouts Trumplestiltskin!
GOP Frantically Shouts Trumplestiltskin!
I was doing some pre-game reading today and it strikes me all the ink spilled daily on Donald Trump could fill a library. We’re at a point now where nothing any longer can be said that’s original to explain the rise of the real estate baron in American politics...
Commentary:  Breaking the Two Party System
Commentary: Breaking the Two Party System
Commentary: Breaking the Two Party System
Democrats and Republicans repent.  Some pundits predict the parties are over.  A friend from Alabama sent me a link from something called  A writer at the site is promoting Donald Trump’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for President...
Commentary:  Liberals & Conservatives Unite for America’s Future
Commentary: Liberals & Conservatives Unite for America’s Future
Commentary: Liberals & Conservatives Unite for America’s Future
A basic political re-alignment appears underway in the United States.  A few days ago a pundit from the left criticized the large slate of Republican candidates for taking a more populist stance.  This latest criticism is a remarkable change after years of charges Republicans were mainly tools of the rich...
Commentary:  Republicans are the Gone Ole Party
Commentary: Republicans are the Gone Ole Party
Commentary: Republicans are the Gone Ole Party
Whenever I hear a Republican tell me “We need to get behind the nominee even if it’s Bush or Christie,” I cringe.  I registered as a Republican only in my early 40s after decades of considering myself a libertarian.  The change gave me an opportunity to vote in some important primaries while I also became more conservative than libertarian on a variety of issues...
Commentary:  I Owe Homosexuals an Apology
Commentary: I Owe Homosexuals an Apology
Commentary: I Owe Homosexuals an Apology
I’ve been pondering a dilemma the last couple of days and think to some degree I owe most American homosexuals an apology.  Late Tuesday I saw a link posted by one of Glenn Beck’s minions.  A lesbian was interviewed by Beck after she offered support to the owners of a pizzeria in Indiana...
Commentary:  Democrats and Carnival Barkers Are Going Extinct
Commentary: Democrats and Carnival Barkers Are Going Extinct
Commentary: Democrats and Carnival Barkers Are Going Extinct
Remember the gravelly voiced woman in Cleveland who bragged about having an “Obama phone” during the 2012 Presidential Election Cycle?  “Everybody in Cleveland got an Obama phone!” is what she told a reporter.  She was a member of a labor union and at a campaign rally expressing her gratitude for the President playing Santa Claus...
Still Mad About Grand Jury Decisions?  Grant Loebs Explains
Still Mad About Grand Jury Decisions? Grant Loebs Explains
Still Mad About Grand Jury Decisions? Grant Loebs Explains
Protesters across the country claim the Grand Juries erred in their decisions not to indict police for shooting "unarmed black men" for alleged crimes.  Twin Falls County prosecutor Grant Loebs explains the process. Steve Millington with the Twin Falls Republicans joins us at 8:30 ... Read More ...

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