Kelly Klaas

Dangers of Cannabis – It’s All in the Genes! KLIXcast
Twin Falls Psychiatrist Dr. Richard Worst says marijuana can cause issues, especially in younger users and may cause more issues in some people than others.
Mike Tylka talks about the CSI Woodworking Auction coming up Saturday.
Sgt. Keith Thompson with the Idaho State Police says if you see suspicious activity in your neighborhood, give them a call
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Did The Cops Kill Eric Garner, or did Asthma?
Sparking protests in several cities, social media outrage and a U.S. civil rights probe, a New York City grand jury declined to indict a white police officer in the death of a black man put in a chokehold after selling untaxed cigarettes. Here we go again...

Area School Districts To Ask Voters For More Money
What could be more "local" control of the education system than local residents paying the bills to support the local schools?
Magic Valley Arts Council has more events coming up.
Twin Falls City Councilman Chris Talkington will be on State of the City
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Is Our Free Speech A Dwindling Myth? KLIXcast
Now you can get prison time for threatening someone online. Have the "thought police" already arrived?
Paula Sinclair and Alice Anderson tell us about the upcoming CHRISTmas concerts with the MV Symphony and MV Chorale.
Possible upcoming topics for the Idaho Legislature with Trip Craig with the Twin Falls Republicans
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What ARE Those Loud Booming Sounds?
Monday more Magic Valley residents reported hearing mysterious loud booming sounds. They were reportedly heard as far away as Gannet. What are they? The Air Force? Aliens? A new, top secret pulse engine? Did you hear them?
Trip Craig will be sitting in today for Steve Millington for the the Twin Falls Republicans
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Ferguson, MO. Still The Talk Of The Nation
This morning listeners wanted to talk about the protestors in Ferguson, MO. So, that's what we talked about.
Randy Stapilus with the Idaho Political Update.
Chris Anderson with the CSI Herrett Center and Planetarium talks about events coming up in December
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Threaten To Kill on Facebook…Free Speech or Not?
The Supreme Court justices will hear arguments today in the case of a man who was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for posting graphically violent rap lyrics on Facebook about killing his estranged wife, shooting up a kindergarten class and attacking an FBI agent...

If Thanksgiving Is Too Commercialized For You…You Can Blame A Democrat!
For those who deride America's biggest retail companies for ruining Thanksgiving by offering Black Friday "doorbusters" smack dab in the middle of the holiday, that's hardly the worst of it. Many decades ago retailers actually managed to convince the President Franklin D...

How To Eat Healthier On Thanksgiving Without Sacrificing Flavor!
Food expert Jill Skeem will tell you how you can substitute certain ingredients in your big meal without sacrificing the flavor.
Big discussion today about former Senator Larry Craig and his appeal of his order to pay back money he used from his re-election fund to pay his attorney fees
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Wilson Not Indicted…Ferguson in Flames…Was Justice Served?
As the news of the decision of the Grand Jury to not indict officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri made its way through the crowds the violence slowly began to build. Everyone has questions. Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs will give his input into the decision this morning on Top Story at 8 o'clock...

Deportation Relief From Someone Who Has Live It – KLIXcast
Nyelly Corral is a young lady whose family emigrated from Mexico. Until President Obama signed the executive order to hold deportations of some illegal immigrants, some members of her family were living in the shadows.
Randy Stapilus has the Idaho Political Update...

Nallely Corral Talks About Her Early Life As A Migrant Fruit Picker
At 9 this morning, Nallely Corral will discuss President Obama's change in deportations of family members of American citizens.
Randy Stapilus will have the Idaho Political Update at 8:40.
Residents of Ferguson, MO. are awaiting the decision of the grand jury
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President Obama Uses His Pen on Immigration – KLIXcast
President Obama announced he's using is "executive powers" to stop deportation of over 5-million illegal aliens in the U.S.
Tosha Stapleman explains the Mini-Cassia Turkey Trot.
Ella Donahue has the CSI Update.
Scott Truax updates us on Back To Snake River
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The King Has Spoken…Illegal Aliens Can Stay
President Obama told the country last night that if illegal aliens meet certain criteria, they will not be deported. Some claim he is circumventing the law while others say he is just prioritizing priorities. What do you think?
Ella Donahue will have the CSI Update at 8:20
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Larry Craig Back in Idaho Spotlight – KLIXcast
Former Idaho Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig has been appointed as Finance Chairman for the Idaho GOP. Some people, even Republicans, have a problem with that.
Shawna Obenchain and Cecilia Gracida explain the upcoming "Running with the Turkeys
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State GOP Names Former Senator Larry Craig as Finance Chairman
Is it a "second chance" or a ridiculous idea? The Idaho Republican Party has named former Senator Larry Craig as the finance chairman for the party. What do you think?
The Rob Green Turkey Trot is coming up...
We will have the cops with the "bad guys" list at 8:30
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One Idaho Legislator Slams Otter Administration for “Crony Capitalism”
In a move that may have repercussions in the next Legislative session, Republican State Representative Judy Boyle of Midvale wrote a letter to major newspapers today blasting the Otter Administration for its handling of the school broadband contract...

Idaho GOP State Rep. Blasts State Government Deal-Making
State Rep. Judy Boyle represents the Midvale area. She is also on the House Education Committee. Her "Letter to the Editor" today is going to raise some eyebrows at the State Capital as she blasts the Otter administration for "crony capitalism in action...

Is Idaho’s Public Defense System Broken?
Some counties are abandoning the county support of the public defense system in lieu of one run by the state. Twin Falls County prosecutor Grant Loebs says there are some problems with that. He will join us today at 9 a.m.
Steve Millington with the Twin Falls Republicans will join us at 8:30
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Will President Obama Sign an Executive Order on Amnesty This Week?
Many people believe President Obama will be signing an executive order this week that essentially will give over 5-million illegal aliens in this country the right to stay. Is this the right thing to do?
Randy Stapilus says many Idahoans vote for the "R" for a variety of reasons
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