There are still benefits to having cable over streaming, but this past weekend, many Idahoans regretted this decision when their favorite channels blacked out.
Discover the chilling case of Bryce David Laspisa, a 19-year-old who vanished without a trace near Castaic Lake in California. What really happened remains a haunting mystery.
Explore the mysterious world of cryptids in the US, from wolflike beings to lake monsters. Discover the hidden secrets of Montana's mythical creatures.
With soccer being popular this month, and the sport growing and expanding over the last few years, should Idaho make a push to bring a team to the Gem State?
Discover the dark history behind California's Colorado Street Bridge and the efforts to prevent tragedies like suicide attempts at the Foresthill Bridge.
Discover the chilling legend of the Singing Bridge in Twin Falls and unravel the mysteries of the Devils Henchman. Join us on a journey through time and folklore!
Everyone seems to be recording videos and taking pictures at all times, but what happens when those camera lenses are directed toward your children in public?