What would you do? What would you do if you got in your vehicle to find a bee or wasp inside? Would you leave the car and try again later? Would you accept your fate and let work know or whomever you are meeting that you will be late? Do you try to kill it and take the risk of making it angry and attack you? Do you open your doors, and hope it will fly away, but take the risk of another coming into your vehicle? With the weather fluctuating in Idaho bees, wasps, flies, and other bugs are looking for places to get warm, and your vehicle is a prime location. If you find yourself with one of these bugs in your car, what would you do? 

Bees or Wasps in Idaho Vehicles

Credit: bo1982
Credit: bo1982

While the bug population has decreased a tad, there is still plenty lingering with the warmer-than-usual start to the fall season in Idaho. It has left many of them seeking places to stay warm, which is likely why there are many flies and spiders in your home, and even in your vehicles as well. While these are the most common ones that are invading everyone's space, there are still some bees and wasps lingering around, and they too are looking for a place to be warm and escape the weather conditions, or perhaps are curious about what's in your vehicle. Many are allergic to both of these bugs and those that aren't fear getting stung. So when one is sitting in your vehicle, what is the best way to handle it? 

How to Handle Bugs in Cars in Idaho

Credit: Kagenmi
Credit: Kagenmi

The most obvious way to handle the situation is to kill the bug, but if you miss it and it hides in your car, it is now angry and hidden, or it may turn aggressive and come after you. Opening your doors and windows is an option, but if it doesn't fly out or bring friends inside, you haven't solved the issue and perhaps made it worse. Does it depend on when you find the bee or wasp? Finding it before you get into the car gives you many options, compared to driving, it could put you at risk of being in a wreck if you are focused on it and not being stung, instead of what is happening on the road. Would you keep driving, or would you pull over and try to get it out of the car? 

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Nobody wants to be locked in a small space with a bee or wasp, but it can and will happen, especially as they are seeking warmth in the coming weeks. This recently happened to me, but it was as I was getting into the car, and was able to wave it out of the car before getting in. I was fortunate it worked out this way, as others may not be so lucky. If a bee or wasp decides to get comfortable in your vehicle, what would you do?

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