How Do Sane Idahoans Decide Who Does Which House Chores?
I love that in our home, we share chores. My husband and I both have full-time jobs and house-clean. Some household chores we both share in completing. When one of us cooks, the other will clean the kitchen. One does the vacuuming and the other will mop. We’ve worked out a good balance, mostly.
Some chores are hard set to one particular person. I clean the bathroom because I can’t stand it when the mirror gets spotty, or the toilet is questionable. He hates dust in the living room. We have dark wood furniture and he doesn’t like seeing it. Again, good balance.
Are These the Chores Idahoans Won’t Let Anyone Else Touch?
I have decided there is something I am going to do by myself from now on. I don’t want to spend quality time by sharing the workload and completing it as a couple. I don’t want to take turns. I will do this alone and never ask for backup. He will be permanently removed from any responsibilities for folding and putting away laundry.
It’s not because he’s bad at it. He’s actually quite fastidious. His time in the Marines as a young man produced laundry habits that seem nearly obsessive. The drawers are well organized and the closet is wrinkle-free. Quite a tidy wardrobe my husband does keep. No, that’s not it.
My main issue is he’s left-handed. I can tell when he’s decided to help by which way the shirts and pants face in the closet. All my shirts and pants are facing the wrong way. Argh, sigh, disgruntled noises.
Also, I work my clothes from one side to the other, always taking from one end and adding to the other. In the drawers, I add clean clothes to the bottom or back. It rotates my clothes properly. He folds them but adds them to the top or front. It’s pure laundry anarchy.

I can live in these dark days no longer. If I am to stay married to this Neanderthal, he must stay away from the clean laundry from now on. I will allow him to wash and rotate to the dryer, perhaps even take out of the dryer into the clean laundry basket, but that’s it.