Good news, everyone. In the coming zombie apocalypse, Brad Pitt -- the Brad Pitt! -- will save us all. We couldn't think of a better (or sexier) man for the job.
The title is 'World War Z,' but I can think up two other letters: "O" and "K."
'World War Z' is okay because it zips along with the fury of a computer-generated cascade of fast zombies. 'World War Z' is okay because Brad Pitt is a great leading man, even if his character has no depth. 'World War Z' is okay because there is always a fatalistic draw to see our social order tumble
If you needed an adrenaline boost this morning, then you'll want to check out these new clips from Marc Forster's 'World War Z,' featuring brutal zombie chaos and creepy, rainswept suspense.
'World War Z' hits theaters this weekend, and Paramount wants to make sure you're good and pumped for it. The studio has released a brand new extended clip from the film, featuring Brad Pitt's Gerry Lane making a daring rooftop escape with his family in tow, including 'The Killing' star Mireille Enos...
Want a fresh, new look at 'World War Z'? Tons of chaotic footage from the summer zombie flick has been released in -- of all places -- the latest music video from British rock band Muse.
'World War Z' is a film about fighting zombies, and it's funny that the film has screened (and screened well) but is still fighting undead rumors about it being a total disaster. We saw the film and liked it, but it's going to need good word of mouth to be one of the hits this summer. Perhaps it will get better word with this clip, which sets up how Brad Pitt is forced into action to stop the zomb
Last night was the first ever public screening of 'World War Z,' this summer's big zombie action-thriller. That would've been enough excitement for the fans in Hoboken, NJ who lined up for hours for their first look at the film. But they got an added surprise: Mr. Brad Pitt.
We were in attendance and after all the fuss, it turns out that 'World War Z' is actually...a pretty good movie.
Paramount Pictures' 'World War Z' seemingly has it all: Brad Pitt, big explosions, international intrigue, a looming apocalypse. Oh, and zombies. We shouldn't forget the zombies, even if it seems the studio has. Case in point: the new poster for the Marc Forster film, which features a forlorn Pitt as he surveys a devastated city from the safety of a helicopter. Lots of fire and destruction. No zom
Though Sunday is the big day for watching movie TV spots with the Super Bowl, we're already getting some of those big money ads now. 'World War Z' is one of the first to release their commercial, and it does a good job of conveying what the film is about.
Even Brad Pitt must be laughing today about the 'Saturday Night Live' clips repeatedly clowning on his "arty" Chanel no. 5 commercial, presenting not one by four separate commercial spoofs selling everything from perfume to dog condoms.