Jerome County Commissioners Speak on Target ShootingJerome County Commissioners Speak on Target Shooting We also talked about a possible national concealed carry law and the federal ban on marijuana users owning firearms.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Safety at Idaho Gun RangesSafety at Idaho Gun RangesWhen target shooting eye and ear protection is a must.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Training for Idaho Enhanced CarryTraining for Idaho Enhanced CarryFriday morning on Top Story we’ll be giving our weekly firearms update.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Traveling With Firearms: A GuideTraveling With Firearms: A GuideWhat should you know if you're traveling long distance with firearms?Bill ColleyBill Colley
How to Stay Out of Bar FightsHow to Stay Out of Bar FightsA great many of you know the first object of self-defense is to avoid trouble.Bill ColleyBill Colley
Our Weekly Gun UpdateOur Weekly Gun UpdateFirearms are a part of Idaho culture.Bill ColleyBill Colley