In today’s instant society and culture, drive-thrus are a godsend. You can get your coffee, your donuts, your money and your prescription pills via drive-thru.

But not everyone loves them.

This convenience has become burdensome in the northern New Jersey town of Cresskill, since it causes traffic backups and spillovers. Now, town officials are considering banning future drive-thrus. Current businesses that operate drive-thrus would not be affected.

The residents are split on the matter. One mother called it “the best thing, it’s convenient,” since she totes two children around safely. Another resident touted the necessity of drive-thrus “to keep going, keep moving.”

Other locals feel that the drive-thrus cause spillovers into traffic and turn parking lots into driving nightmares. There’s also the increased pollution due to idling vehicles. One resident complained of waiting 10 minutes to get into a parking lot to go about her business, thanks to drive-thru jams.

The possible ban is only in the discussion phase.


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