There are liberals in Owyhee County?

a portion of the rural Idaho County had a majority vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016

A new interactive map of all election districts in the United States shows a portion of the rural Idaho County had a majority vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.  You may be asking what?  Of course there may be all of 5 registered voters in the desert and two may be sage grouse voting in fear of Donald Trump!

The map was the creation of a Washington State University graduate student.  The redder the shade of the district reflects overwhelming Republican strength.  The darker the blue represents a heavy presence of voting Democrats.  What may be even more surprising than grouse and rock chucks voting are the shades of red in Idaho indicating the GOP majority isn’t as large district-by-district.  A wave election or a sudden political inversion could give much more control to Idaho liberals.  Inversions are similar to the Elections of 1932 and 1980 and generally reflect a major crisis.

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