WATCH: She Made a Working 3D Model of Twin Falls Drive In Theater
We have to be careful when we talk about drive-in movie theaters in Southern Idaho since they are pretty much all gone, and that makes us sad.
Since the theaters are completely gone, this model made by an Idaho woman is the closest you can get anymore to watching a drive-in movie in Twin Falls. Learn more about the famous creator of the model further down.
3D Printed Model of Old Twin Falls Drive-In Movie Theater and it Works
There were 2 in Twin Falls for decades, the Grand-Vu and the Motor-Vu Drive-in Theaters. Both were demolished despite fundraisers to save them and have since been replaced by storage units and business offices.
Here’s what makes the creation so special and amazing - it looks just like the Motor-Vu drive-in movie theater (complete with the swingset up front and cemetery at the back) and it actually plays video!
The model was made by 3D printing genius Sierra Sandison. Sierra helped me do the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 when she was Miss Idaho…you can watch that debacle below. Sierra was also revealed as the secret identity under the BSU Buster Bronco mascot suit in 2022.

After seeing her Motor-Vu drive-in creation, what Twin Falls location do you think she should make next? Comments on the video say she should do the Magic Valley Mall but the Twin Falls City Park and Bandshell would be amazing to see too.
Motor Vu Demo
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