Twin Falls Business Looking For Donations to Fill a Truck With School Supplies
Summer is almost over for kids in the Magic Valley. Back to School season is here and between August 14th and 31st, almost every school will be back in session. That means it’s crunch time to get school supplies and mentally prep for the change back to a rigid school schedule.
Businesses Looking To Help Families Get Necessary School Supplies
For many families in the Magic Valley, the prep for school can be extra stressful when money is short for purchasing necessary school supplies. Luckily, the Magic Valley is full of people with kind hearts and willingness to help those in need. To help these families in need, you can join us on Saturday, August 5th at Ruby Mountain Motors on Kimberly Road in Twin Falls for the Fill the Truck event. You can bring any items from the school supply lists to be donated to kids around the Magic Valley.
The Twin Falls School District school supply lists can be found here on their website. You can donate as much or as little as you are able. Even if you can only donate a few pencils or glue sticks, those items will mean the world to a child when they get to school and need them.
As an added perk for your donation, Ruby Mountain Motors is also having a Grand Re-Opening at their location to showcase their new facility. During the event, they’ll have giveaways, raffles, and food between 9 am and 6 pm.
How To Get Free School Supplies in Twin Falls
If you are in need of help getting school supplies, there are several locations that offer assistance thanks to donations from the community. South Central Community Action Partnership is scheduling appointments now to apply for assistance with school supplies.
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