
Lost Children During the Holidays
Lost Children During the Holidays
Lost Children During the Holidays
Last week I was at Winco in Twin Falls. As I left the store I noticed a little boy who was probably 2 or 3 years old walking by himself. He continued to walk across the parking lot. I approached him and asked if he knew where his mom was. He quickly realized that he didn't know where his mom was. I reassured him that his mom was in the grocery store. I convinced him to come back into the store and
What is the Best Way to Teach Your Kids to Give Back?
What is the Best Way to Teach Your Kids to Give Back?
What is the Best Way to Teach Your Kids to Give Back?
Giving back to the local community is a big part of many families holiday traditions. Over the weekend Success Marital Arts helped the Salvation Army organize food and toy donations in Twin Falls. Volunteers at Christmas in the Nighttime Sky collected toys at Kimberly Nursery's on Friday night. South Central Community Action Partnership collected over 2,000 turkeys for 60 Hours to Fight Hunger las
Is Parenting Fun or Hard Work?
Is Parenting Fun or Hard Work?
Is Parenting Fun or Hard Work?
Nobody ever tells you just how hard being a parent really is. Sometime you wonder if parenting is fun at all. So how much of parenting is fun, and how much is hard work?
Top 10 Life Lessons For Kids
Top 10 Life Lessons For Kids
Top 10 Life Lessons For Kids
As parents we are responsible for teaching our children lots of things. But what are the most important things we need to teach them?
Commentary:  The Muslim Hijacking of Your Local Newspaper
Commentary: The Muslim Hijacking of Your Local Newspaper
Commentary: The Muslim Hijacking of Your Local Newspaper
Boston, Fort Worth and Twin Falls.  What do these cities have in common?  All turned out roughly the same number for prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood Saturday.  When I left the local event just 75 minutes into the prayers there were already more than 100 in attendance (a head count when things started at 10:00 A...
New Ordiance Could Save Pets
New Ordiance Could Save Pets
New Ordiance Could Save Pets
Every year when temperatures rise we see countless stories about dogs dying because they are left trapped in hot cars. Ketchum is trying to pass a new ordinance to help those animals.
Bed Bugs in Twin Falls
Bed Bugs in Twin Falls
Bed Bugs in Twin Falls
If you are anything like me you start itching at the very mention of bed bugs. But, I would rather know what infestations are occurring in our area than not. Apparently, there could be a bed bug problem in Twin Falls.
What’s the Best Way to Teach Children About  Martin Luther King, Jr.?
What’s the Best Way to Teach Children About Martin Luther King, Jr.?
What’s the Best Way to Teach Children About Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Today is an important day. It's hard for me to believe that we used to have drinking fountains, restrooms, bus seats, etc. for white's only. The thought of it, still breaks my heart. Thankfully our society heard Martin Luther King, Jr.? “I Have a Dream” speech issued on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, and started treating people equally.
How Do You Plan A Perfect Family Activity?
How Do You Plan A Perfect Family Activity?
How Do You Plan A Perfect Family Activity?
Unless you are an angst-ridden teenager you probably enjoy spending time with your family. Even though we love our parents and brothers and sisters - that does not mean we get along all the time and that we enjoy long amounts of time together.

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