
Did Global Warming Cause Hurricane Matthew?  (Opinion)
Did Global Warming Cause Hurricane Matthew? (Opinion)
Did Global Warming Cause Hurricane Matthew? (Opinion)
For the first time in more than 11 years, a major hurricane is toying with the continental United States.  Liberal media screams global warming even though hurricanes of this magnitude are becoming increasingly rare.  At the bottom of this page, you can see our Top Story discussion in a YouTube video...
Exterminating the Islamic Terrorist Threat (Opinion)
Exterminating the Islamic Terrorist Threat (Opinion)
Exterminating the Islamic Terrorist Threat (Opinion)
He’ll claim it’s a perversion-of-Islam.  He’ll speak about the religion-of-peace.  He’ll call for new restrictions on firearms.  As I begin writing this I’m about 40 minutes away from President Obama’s message following the mass killing in Orlando...
“Little Marco” Rubio & His Tiny Fan Club
“Little Marco” Rubio & His Tiny Fan Club
“Little Marco” Rubio & His Tiny Fan Club
A Rubio voter today accused me of sinking “Little Marco”. As if a guy on a small radio station in Idaho caused the candidate’s drowning in his home state of Florida! Rubio was a terrible campaigner. I’m not a fan of the Politico but it nailed the flaws in Rubio’s effort...
Christmas Lessons Across the Ages
Christmas Lessons Across the Ages
Christmas Lessons Across the Ages
I used to covet my neighbor’s vacations.  Not where they went but how they planned.  When I was a boy the neighbors would have a route, estimated time of arrival and packing done well in advance.  They would explain they would be back in one week or in two weeks and on the dot they would round the corner and come driving down the street exactly when they said they would be back.  I...
Jill’s Take: Should Anthony Repay State of Florida for Investigation Costs?
Jill’s Take: Should Anthony Repay State of Florida for Investigation Costs?
Jill’s Take: Should Anthony Repay State of Florida for Investigation Costs?
Jill says...Since Casey Anthony was convicted of making false statements to police, should she repay the state of Florida for its investigation to find Caylee when she knew all along the little girl was dead?? "The efforts and costs of the investigation were extensive and not immediately available and accordingly, the State of Florida respectfully requests this Court to set a hearing within 6