US Thinking of Prisoner Swap for Bowe
BOISE (KTVB)- There may be new hope for the release of captured Idaho solider Bowe Bergdahl.
The international news agency Reuters is reporting the U.S. is rethinking a prisoner swap with the Taliban.
The swap would mean releasing detainees from Guantanamo Bay for the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
Reuters claims the U.S. is proposing this prisoner swap in hopes of coaxing the Taliban into peace talks. But this could be big news for Idaho because if the Taliban accepts the deal Bergdahl could be coming home.
Reuters says the U.S. started discussing the new proposal in June. According to the report, the Obama administration is offering to transfer five Taliban detainees from our military prison in exchange for Bergdahl.
Bergdahl has been held as a prisoner of war for a little over three years.
Reuters says before the transfer can take place Congress would need to be notified to make sure it is done in accordance with U.S. law.
Reuters claims it got all of this information from a source close to the issue.
Both President Obama and the Bergdahl family told Reuters they did not want to comment on the proposed prisoner swap.
Supporters of Bergdahl posted the Reuters article on their website. Underneath the article, people were encouraged to write to Congress asking them to bring Bergdahl home.