Cauldron Linn is Roaring Thanks to the Flood Waters (WATCH)
Thank you, Chace Capps and your drone. Thanks to you, we have a birds-eye view of Cauldron Linn roaring with all the extra water we have in our area.
Chace shared this short description on his YouTube channel:
Cauldron Linn located in the Snake River in Idaho is as full as I have ever seen it because of the recent flooding.
He's not kidding, either. You can immediately tell that this is as much water as many have seen in Cauldron Linn in years, if not ever.
It really gets good when he swings the drone camera at around the 1:09 mark.
It's certainly not a surprise that the water is so high with all of the flooding we've had in Southern Idaho, but still a thrill when someone like Chace captures it on video for those of us that haven't had a chance to see it in person, yet.